Human Resources

About Sweetwater Authority

  • Publicly-owned water agency since 1977
  • Seven-member Board of Directors
  • Approximately 130 Employees
  • Serving approximately 200,000 people in a service area that covers a 32-square-mile area
  • Service area includes National City, Bonita, and the western and central portions of Chula Vista, California

Our Mission

The mission of Sweetwater Authority is to provide its current and future customers with a safe and reliable water supply through the use of the best available technology, sound management practices, public participation and a balanced approach to human and environmental needs.

Our Vision

Sweetwater Authority is a premier water agency. We partner with the public and private sectors to maximize value for our rate payers. Our water system infrastructure is innovative, yet functional, practical, and cost-effective. We provide a reliable and sustainable source of water. We consistently deliver industry-leading service to our customers.

Values & Culture

Values are shared beliefs that reflect what Sweetwater Authority considers significant or important. Those values are:
• Stewardship • Respect • Excellence • Teamwork • Creativity • Integrity • Honesty •

Employees describe Sweetwater Authority's organizational culture with the following words:
• Family • Dedicated • Respectful • Integrity •

Equal Opportunity Employer

Sweetwater Authority does not discriminate against any applicant for employment on the basis of age, gender, race, religious belief, national origin, marital status, physical or mental disability, ancestry, color, sexual orientation, or any other classifications protected by law.


Customer Service Staff - Field in service area
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Water Quality Water Sampling Sweetwater River