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- Sustainability
Sweetwater Authority is committed to providing its core services while maintaining a balanced approach to human and environmental needs.
Sweetwater Authority (Authority) has developed and implemented a Sustainability Action Plan (SAP) which contains goals to reduce the environmental impacts associated with the Authority's operations and services. Authority employees implement numerous initiatives designed to achieve the SAP goals. A Green Team (of selected staff from each workgroup) tracks the status, cost, and savings related to these initiatives as a means of measuring progress towards the Authority's vision of becoming a sustainability leader.
Sweetwater Authority (Authority) has developed and implemented a Sustainability Action Plan (SAP) which contains goals to reduce the environmental impacts associated with the Authority's operations and services. Authority employees implement numerous initiatives designed to achieve the SAP goals. A Green Team (of selected staff from each workgroup) tracks the status, cost, and savings related to these initiatives as a means of measuring progress towards the Authority's vision of becoming a sustainability leader.
Major goal areas of the SAP include:- Sustainability Inventory
- Energy Use and Renewables
- Water Use
- Green Purchasing
- Waste Reduction
- Transportation
Major Accomplishments/Initiatives Implemented
- Installation of hydroelectric turbines at the Robert A. Perdue Water Treatment plant for alternative energy generation
- Replacement of lighting fixtures at three Authority facilities with energy-saving LED lighting
- Staff education via sustainability e-newsletters and on-boarding documents for new hires
- Waste segregation and recycling for all Authority offices
- Reduced water consumption at Authority facilities by replacing turf with water smart landscapes
- Replacement of some Authority gasoline engine passenger vehicles with electric hybrid vehicles
- Energy efficient solid state hard drive replacement for Authority computers
- Administration building landscape certified as a "Wildlife Habitat" through the City of Chula Vista Conservation Program
- Certified as a City of Chula Vista CLEAN business