Water Service Application Process

Application for a new, upgrade, or modification to an existing water service from Sweetwater Authority (Authority) is required when:

  • Requesting the installation of a new water meter and service lateral
  • Adding square footage to a home, business, or other building
  • Constructing single family dwellings, multi-unit apartments, or structures that require water or fire protection
  • Requesting abandonment, modification or relocation of an existing water meter
  • Adding an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) or additional residential units
  • Change to water use type (e.g. irrigation, domestic, fire protection)
  • Tenant improvements, including changes to business size and type (for commercial accounts, e.g. furniture outlet to fast food, etc.)

Only the property owner or authorized agent of the owner (Applicant) can request/apply for the installation, abandonment, modification or relocation of a water service or Authority-owned facility.

Submittal Process

 To apply for new or modify an existing water service, contact the Authority’s Engineering Department at (619) 420-1413 to initiate the submittal process.  The submittal process typically takes six weeks to process. This accounts for the required time to:

  • Review the Applicant’s service request
  • Visit the project site and create a cost estimate
  • Calculate applicable fees, deposits and credits
  • Prepare and transmit a Fees and Deposits Letter to the Applicant, indicating the applicable fees, credits and deposits

Required Items

 The Applicant will be asked to provide the following:

  • Owner’s authorization (if acting as agent of the owner)
  • Legal description of the subject property
  • Information regarding type of project or development to be served
  • Type of water service (e.g. domestic, irrigation, fire)
  • Fire flow requirements from the local fire protection agency (if applicable)
  • Preliminary plans including site plans, building floor plans, and plumbing plans showing all existing and proposed fixtures (construction plans approved and stamped by the applicable building jurisdiction will be needed at the end of the review process).
  • The Applicant shall designate where the location of the meters by marking a white “W” on face of curb or on top of pavement 
  • An Authority representative will visit the project site and confirm the proposed meter location

Depending on the project scope, a Design Requirement Letter may be provided to the Applicant, requesting acknowledgment of the minimum submittal requirements and a deposit for design review.

When all submittal items have been provided, the Authority will develop a cost estimate for the construction work, calculate applicable fees, credits, and deposits, and transmit the Fees and Deposits Letter with a request for a deposit.

Construction Process

Construction begins when fees and deposit funds are received. The Authority’s construction process typically takes eight weeks to complete. This accounts for the time typically required to:

  • Process fees and deposits
  • Create a new service account
  • Process and obtain construction permit(s) from applicable agencies
  • Install service(s) & meter(s)
  • Process and approve backflow preventer (as applicable)
  • Repair paving

Within two months after completion of construction, costs will be tabulated and a final billing or refund will be provided to the Applicant.

If the Applicant or its sub-contractor elects to perform the construction of the new service installation, or any modification to the Authority’s facilities, the Applicant will be required to enter into an Agreement to Improve Development. 

Authority Capacity Fees

The purpose for the collection of Authority Capacity Fees is to fund appropriate levels of water capacity for new or upgraded connections to the Authority’s water distribution system.

Collection is based on Equivalent Dwelling Unit (EDU). An EDU is a unit that equates all residential, commercial, and industrial connections to a typical single-family residential unit. 

Current Authority Capacity Fees can be found here

San Diego County Water Authority Capacity Charges

The San Diego County Water Authority (SDCWA) capacity charges are collected when new meters are purchased or existing services are upgraded with a larger meter. The capacity charges are based on meter size. The meter size is determined by the water fixture count in accordance to the current California Building and Plumbing Code.

Current SDCWA Water Rates & Charges can be found here

Construction work or upgrades to home or business

Please contact the Authority at 619-420-1413 if you are planning any construction work or upgrades to your home or business. The Authority can help identify potential water upgrades that your project may require. Planning early helps keep timelines on track, and ensures water service will be available.