Approved Projects

As a Lead Agency for CEQA, Sweetwater Authority considers a project “approved” once the decision-making body has (1) reviewed and considered, in its totality, the project’s final environmental documents, and (2) decided to approve or carry out the project. The following projects have been recently approved by the Authority: 

Water Main Replacement East 16th St., Euclid Ave., to Lanoitan Ave. and Lanoitan Ave. to Booster 39

The purpose of the Proposed Project is to replace approximately 1,460 linear feet (LF) of water main within the Public Right of Way, on East 16th Street, from Euclid Avenue to Lanoitan Ave, and then from Lanoitan Avenue to a booster station (pump station), located at a property owned by the water district near the corner of Lanoitan Avenue and 18th Street, just south of and adjacent to 1,722 South Lanoitan Avenue. For more information on this pipeline replacement project, please see link: To download a copy of the filed Notice of Exemption from CEQA, please see link below: 

Water Main Replacement East 16th St., Euclid Ave., to Lanoitan Ave. and Lanoitan Ave. to Booster 39 CEQA NOE (PDF)

Water Main Replacement at Olive St., Shelby Drive, E 32nd St. and La Vista Memorial Park

The purpose of the Proposed Project is to replace water mains as follows: 461 linear feet (LF) of pipe in Olive Street; 1,168 LF in Shelby Drive; 281 LF on East 32nd Street; and 651 LF on a 10-foot wide water utilities easement located on the west side of La Vista Memorial Park, for a total of 2,561 LF of water main replacement. For more information on this pipeline replacement project, please see link . To download a copy of the filed Notice of Exemption from CEQA, please see link below: 

Water Main Replacement at Olive St., Shelby Drive, E 32nd St. and La Vista Memorial Park CEQA NOE (PDF)

Water Main Replacement at Salot Street, Tolas Court to East 8th Street

 The purpose of the Proposed Project is to replace water mains by installing approximately 84 linear feet (LF) of 12-inch PVC pipe at the intersection of Salot Street and East 8th Street. For more information on this pipeline replacement project, please see link: . To download a copy of the filed Notice of Exemption from CEQA, please see link below: 

Water Main Replacement at Salot Street, Tolas Court to East 8th Street CEQA NOE (PDF)

Cathodic Protection Installation at Bonita Highlands #1, Bonita Highlands #2, and McMillin Reservoirs (Water Tanks) 

 The proposed project is for the installation of Cathodic Protection (CP) systems for the reservoirs (existing water tanks), known as Bonita Highlands #1, Bonita Highlands #2, and McMillin. The purpose of the installation of the CP systems is to protect existing water tank facilities from corrosion. Installation of cathodic protection systems are construction projects relatively minor. These CP systems would be installed in existing water tank facilities. These CP systems include very minor modifications to the structures already built.  For more information on this cathodic protection project, please see link:  . To download a copy of the filed Notice of Exemption from CEQA, please see link below: 

Cathodic Protection Installation at Bonita Highlands #1, Bonita Highlands #2, and McMillin Reservoirs (Water Tanks) CEQA NOE (PDF)

Clearwell Effluent Meter Replacement Project 

The proposed project would replace the existing 42-inch Venturi meter, designed to measure flows up to 65 million gallons per day (MGD) and located at the Robert A. Perdue Water Treatment Plant, for a smaller 30-inch meter to increase performance and accuracy of readings. The new meter would be installed in a new vault just upstream of the location of the existing water meter.  For more information on this meter replacement project, please see link: . To download a copy of the filed Notice of Exemption from CEQA, please see link below: 

Clearwell Effluent Meter Replacement Project CEQA NOE (PDF)

Robert A. Perdue Water Treatment Plant Tree Hazard Removal and Habitat Restoration

The Proposed Project consists of hazardous tree removal and fuel reduction, soil stabilization and slope protection, reforestation with fire-resilient native habitat, and maintenance and monitoring. The Proposed Project would occur on an approximately 4.25-acre steep slope, on the west side of the Sweetwater Reservoir property, and adjacent to the Robert A. Perdue Water Treatment Plant and residential areas of the unincorporated community of Spring Valley, in San Diego County, California. For more information, please visit: For more details, see link below: 

Notice of Exemption for the Tree Hazard Removal and Habitat Restoration Project (PDF)

Sweetwater Authority Lead and Copper Rule Revisions Inventory and Identification Requirements

Sweetwater Authority is proposing an information gathering investigation (i.e. lead service line inventory) related to the Lead and Copper Rule – Requirement for Lead Service Line, and the recent revisions issued by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to the Lead and Copper Rule. The goal of the investigation is to identify, using computer statistical modeling and field investigations, how many private lead service lines currently exist in the Sweetwater Authority’s service area. For more details, see link below: 

Sweetwater Authority Lead and Copper Rule Revisions Inventory and Identification Requirements CEQA NOE (PDF)

Sweetwater Dam and South Dike Improvements Project

The proposed project would include improvements to the Sweetwater Dam and South Dike to safely pass and contain storm water flows associated with a Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) event. In order to achieve that primary objective, an existing parapet wall on the north side of the dam would be raised and a new parapet wall would be constructed on the south side. Additionally, the South Dike would be raised. Other minor repairs and modifications to the Sweetwater Dam, South Spillway, and associated facilities would also be conducted. The proposed project would fully comply with the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Division of Safety of Dams (DSOD) regulatory program (California Water Code Division 3, Dams and Reservoirs).  

Sweetwater Dam and South Dike Improvements MND Final

Sweetwater Reservoir Wetlands Habitat Recovery Project 

The Sweetwater Reservoir Wetlands Habitat Recovery Project is a habitat improvement action in support of the Sweetwater Reservoir Habitat Management Program, which provides management/conservation of habitat for the state and federally endangered least Bell’s vireo. The project would entail the comprehensive restoration of the riparian habitat at the confluence of the Sweetwater River and Sweetwater Reservoir, resulting in a self-sustaining ecosystem supporting high quality least Bell’s vireo habitat. 

Sweetwater Reservoir Habitat Recovery Project MND Final 

Central-Wheeler Tank and Systems Improvement Project

Sweetwater Authority proposes to construct a new 0.8 million gallon (MG) water storage tank and associated conveyance pipelines near Sweetwater Reservoir. The 2015 Water Distribution System Master Plan evaluated Sweetwater Authority’s transmission, pumping, storage and distribution network and made recommendations to meet anticipated demands through the year 2040. The current requirement to satisfy maximum day and fire protection water demands in the Wheeler Pressure Zone is 0.60 million gallons per day (MGD) and the projected demand is 0.84 MGD by 2040. The existing Wheeler Tank was constructed in 1952 and has an operating storage capacity of 0.36 MG, but operates at a reduced capacity of 0.25 MG since the tank does not meet structural stability requirements for seismic activity. The proposed Project would improve reliability of the water distribution system in the current Wheeler Pressure Zone and a portion of the Gravity Pressure Zone by allowing Sweetwater Authority to meet anticipated maximum day and fire protection demands through the year 2040. The project would involve construction of a new 0.8 MG welded steel water storage tank (Central-Wheeler Tank) near a hillside in an undeveloped portion of land owned by SWA and construction of associated water drainage and conveyance pipelines to improve reliability of water distribution within Sweetwater Authority’s Wheeler Pressure Zone and a portion of the Gravity Pressure Zone. Project facilities would occur within public rights-of-way, within property currently owned by Sweetwater Authority, or easements to be acquired by Sweetwater Authority.

Central-Wheeler Tank Final Mitigated Negative Declaration (PDF)
Notice of Determination (PDF)

Please note approved projects are removed from this webpage after one year of adoption or once project is completed. 

For any questions on these or previously approved environmental documents, use this form to send us a message.