Detailed Project Information

Sweetwater Authority is conducting a study for a floating solar project to offset rising energy costs to provide greater rate stability for our customers. This innovative project demonstrates Sweetwater Authority’s leadership in the fight against climate change, while providing rate relief to our customers. 

Please see detailed project information below.

Project Costs

  • Environmental Technical Studies - $72,000
  • SDG&E Interconnection Study - $3,300

System Metrics

  • Based on a 3.7 MWac System
  • Area Required 9.5 Acres
  • Reservoir Coverage 1.3%
Sweetwater Authority Estimated Annual Usage14.1 GWh/year
Estimated Sweetwater Authority Energy Bill 2022$2.9 million
Floating Solar Year 1 Energy Production9.21 GWh/year
PPA Rate for 3.7 MWac System$0.0955/kWh
Approximate Sweetwater Authority Year 1 Savings$500,000
Estimate Cumulative Savings$15-28 million
Lifetime CO2 Saved52,324 MT

Project Status

As of August 2024, the project is in the technical and environmental document preparation phase. Authority staff and consultants are currently conducting the technical studies to inform a CEQA compliant initial study, which is anticipated to be completed by  November 2024. At the conclusion of the initial study, a recommendation for Mitigated Negative Declaration or an Environmental Impact Report will be presented to the Authority’s Governing Board. Authority staff and consultants have been working with SDG&E to conduct an interconnection study, which was completed March 2024. 

Public Meetings

Governing Board

Community Advisory Work Group (CAWG)