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Posted on: June 10, 2020

[ARCHIVED] SWA expands contract opportunities for local businesses, vendors

Person signing a vendor contract

Doing business with Sweetwater Authority (Authority) is easier than ever for local companies, thanks to revisions in the water agency’s procurement policy recently approved by its Governing Board. The revised policy created a preferential purchasing program for local businesses and directed agency staff to engage the local vendor community through a newly created vendor webpage and online form where interested businesses can submit their information to be included in the Authority’s vendor database. 

Governing Board Chair Steve Castaneda said, “This policy change reflects the Governing Board’s priority in supporting economic stability within the Authority’s service area of National City, Chula Vista and Bonita, by increasing opportunities for local businesses in agency contracts.” 

Interested service providers are encouraged to submit their information to be included in the Authority’s vendor database through an easy-to-complete online form. The database will help facilitate communication between the Authority and vendors about contract opportunities within one of over 80 specific service, supplies or equipment types.

Governing Board Member Josie Calderon-Scott, an advocate of the policy update, is excited about the changes and said, “Especially in these tough economic times, I am grateful that the Authority is doing its part to work with local vendors and stimulating the economy.”

The webpage also allows vendors to access the Authority’s terms and conditions and insurance requirements to ensure they possess the proper qualifications required to enter into business with the agency.

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