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Press Releases

Posted on: February 2, 2021

[ARCHIVED] System-wide testing to ensure reliability being performed this week

man looking at map of distribution system

Reliable water service – it’s central to Sweetwater Authority’s mission and a commitment we take seriously. As part of that commitment, the Authority engages in careful master planning of our complex distribution system, and performs regular testing to make sure everything works as intended. 

Over the next week, the Authority will be performing flow tests at multiple points throughout our service area to verify that there is adequate pressure for the thousands of fire hydrants in our system. Disruptions to the distribution system can have temporary impacts on water color and taste. Even during these events, water remains safe to drink. Water service will not be impacted.

If you have any questions regarding this testing or impacts to you water, please call (619) 420-1413.

Performing tests like these are just one of the many ways the Authority maintains our complex water infrastructure, and ensures that your water is there when you need it, both now and in the future.

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