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Press Releases

Posted on: May 31, 2022

[ARCHIVED] SWA receives rebate from the San Diego County Water Authority

Blue gavel on white background with Sweetwater Authority logo

Sweetwater Authority (Authority) received a rebate of $205,891  from the San Diego County Water Authority (SDCWA). The funds are a result of the SDCWA litigation against the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California.  The money is from attorneys’ fees paid by MWD to the SDCWA. In total, the Authority has received $2,151,194 from the SDCWA rate case distribution. 

“On behalf of the Authority Governing Board, I would like to commend the SDCWA Governing Board for continuing to reimburse these funds to the member agencies,” said Chair Alejandra Sotelo-Solis. “We look forward to continuing to work with the SDCWA on the many water issues that are facing our region.” 

The majority of other San Diego County water agencies have received similar refunds. The Authority Board will act at its June 22 meeting on where to allocate these funds in the Authority’s budget.

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