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Posted on: December 5, 2024

SWA confirms lead-free water system

SWA confirms lead-free water system text with Sweetwater Authority logo and image of PVC pipes

Sweetwater Authority (Authority) recently successfully completed its inventory of service line connections that provide water to customers as required by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Lead and Copper Rule Revisions. After a comprehensive assessment of all its water distribution system service lines, including utility and customer-owned lines, the Authority confirmed that its system contains no lead or galvanized steel requiring replacement service lines. This determination underscores the Authority’s commitment to delivering safe, high-quality drinking water to its customers. 

The detailed inventory process involved carefully reviewing historical records and conducting field checks using a statistical method approved by the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) Division of Drinking Water. This method included randomly spot checking the materials used in service lines, grouped by service installation date. If all sampled lines in a group were found to be lead-free, the rest of the lines in that group were also confidently considered lead-free. The results confirmed that all service lines in the Authority’s system are made of safe, lead-free materials.

Funding for this initiative was supported by a $139,000 loan from the SWRCB’s Drinking Water State Revolving Fund. As the Authority serves a population largely comprised of disadvantaged communities, the principal amount of this loan is anticipated to be forgiven. 

“This determination reinforces the Authority’s dedication to proactive investments in our distribution system that ensure the health and safety of our customers,” said Board Chair Paulina Martinez-Perez. “With this comprehensive inventory, we can confidently assure the community that our water system is lead-free, reflecting the Governing Board’s commitment to transparency and water quality.” 

For more information on Sweetwater Authority’s ongoing commitment to water quality, visit

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