What is Sweetwater doing to prevent this from happening again?

Sweetwater is not responsible for the presence of PFAS in the water supply. PFAS is a widespread issue that water agencies across the globe are dealing with, and pinpointing specific sources can be challenging. We are currently conducting quarterly testing and taking steps to prevent further contamination.

Show All Answers

1. What are PFAS and where do they come from? How did PFAS end up in our water? Why are we hearing about it now?
2. Why is the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) updating PFAS standards? What is the new threshold for PFAS? How does it compare to the old threshold? When does Sweetwater Authority need to
3. What is Sweetwater Authority doing to comply with the new EPA standards? Does Sweetwater Authority need to conduct additional testing?
4. How will I know if there is PFAS in my drinking water?
5. Is my drinking water safe right now? What steps should I take if I am concerned about PFAS in my water?
6. What are the costs of treating PFAS in water for agencies like Sweetwater Authority? How will these changes impact my water bill?
7. Who is responsible for PFAS contamination? Is Sweetwater Authority pursuing legal action against the manufacturers of PFAS?
8. Is my water still safe for drinking, cleaning, cooking and irrigation of my garden and plants?
9. What were the most recent testing results?
10. What is the difference between California’s notification level and the response level?
11. Would California set standards that are lower than the EPA standards?
12. Does a changing federal administration affect these regulations?
13. Should I be concerned about potential side effects? Have there been any health issues linked to PFAS reported in our community?
14. How are we going to pay for this, along with repairs to Sweetwater Reservoir?
15. How much will resolving this problem cost? How much would it cost to purchase imported water immediately to offset the water impacted by PFAS?
16. If you know thresholds are changing, how can you assure the public their water is safe?
17. How will you ensure all customers are informed about PFAS testing requirements and testing results? Will you be hosting additional outreach meetings with the public on this issue?
18. How do we treat water for PFAS at Reynolds Desalination Facility?
19. Why didn’t the water district detect this or address this sooner?
20. What technologies or treatments are being considered as solutions?
21. Will Sweetwater switch to a different water source temporarily?
22. What is Sweetwater doing to prevent this from happening again?
23. What is Sweetwater doing to remove PFAS from the water supply? How long will it take to fix this issue?