Are quarterly test samples required at point of discharge from plant per UCMR and Sweetwater Reservoir water per state order?

Sweetwater Authority has been required to monitor multiple groundwater sources under the State Department of Drinking Water’s (DDW) monitoring order and more recently Sweetwater Reservoir was added to the monitoring order. PFAS has not been detected in our groundwater sources due to the reverse osmosis PFAS removal process in place at Reynolds Desalination Plant. For more information previous testing, please reference our annual water quality reports, which summarizes testing and any detections each year. They are available on the Authority’s website.

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1. How will Sweetwater Authority notify renters, who may not receive Sweetwater Authority materials about PFAS education?
2. Are quarterly test samples required at point of discharge from plant per UCMR and Sweetwater Reservoir water per state order?
3. Where is the sample point for Sweetwater Reservoir? Is it at the intake tower?
4. Will Sweetwater Authority post presentations from the community workshops on the webpage?
5. Is there an auto reply on the
6. How much does it cost for a PFOA test? And to treat PFAS on a long-term basis? Is there EPA funding available to cover this?
7. If Sweetwater isn’t able to comply with the future EPA standards, what are the impacts?
8. How are other agencies in San Diego County addressing PFAS? Is Sweetwater staying ahead of these regulatory requirements.
9. Are there other emerging contaminants in the water that the public should be aware of? And any future testing to be aware of?
10. Should people be eating fish caught at Sweetwater Reservoir? Does EPA regulate that? Or is that a different agency?
11. Is water entering Sweetwater Authority water supply from other districts, including the San Diego County Water Authority and Imperial Water, going to be tested?
12. It’s been documented that the EPA has experienced federal funding cuts. How will this impact PFAS treatment efforts?