We are committed to outreach strategies that will engage all customers on this issue. We are using a variety of outreach methods, including water bill inserts, eblasts, community meetings and workshops, press releases, outreach with cities in the service area (City of National City and City of Chula Vista) and local school districts, notices and social media to ensure customers and community members are aware of testing requirements and results.
We are also hosting a series of community outreach meetings and workshops in early 2025. These meetings will provide additional opportunities for residents to learn about the PFAS and ask questions. Links and meeting details will be available on our website on the PFAS education page, www.sweetwater.org/PFAS.
We’ve shared information with the local school districts, City of National City, City of Chula Vista and County of San Diego District 1 Office and requested they share through their communications channels to help us engage community members more broadly.