Natural Resource Management

Some of San Diego’s most diverse and important habitats are found in the natural areas surrounding the reservoirs own and operated by the Authority.  Protection and management of these areas directly contributes to the health of the watershed and any runoff stored in the reservoirs.  Hundreds of plants and animals that are vital to these natural ecosystems are supported on these lands. Due to local and regional declines, some of these species are considered threatened and endangered by federal and/or state governments, including San Diego fairy shrimp, least Bell's vireo, California gnatcatcher, Otay tarplant, and San Diego mesa mint, among others.

Protection of Natural Resources

The Authority is committed to the protection and management of natural resources on its lands and ensures that its water operations comply with existing environmental standards. As a result of project permits, Authority programs have been developed to implement species monitoring, habitat restoration and management, and control of invasive species.  The work we do is a direct compliment to other natural land preserves in the Sweetwater River Watershed, including the San Diego Bay National Wildlife Refuge, Sweetwater Summit Regional Park, San Diego National Wildlife Refuge, McGinty Mountain Ecological Reserve, Sycuan Peak Ecological Reserve, Cleveland National Forest, and Rancho Cuyamaca State Park.